Our Intern Josh has collected data to find the best dates, given various quality metrics and cost.
This data uses specific pricing, and has gas costs calculated using a common location. While the description on this website is generic(Coffee Date), the detailed description(Atomic Coffee Royal Oak, 2 Cinnamon Dolce Latte) can be found in our raw data – Click Here.
Classy, Creative, and Public were subjectively decided on a scale from 0-10, and based on that given a True/False value. This is considered Boolean, as it has only 2 possible values.
Given how specific this data is, but how varied prices and distances to locations in your own life, the data should be compared on a scale. For instance, 100-400 Minutes Per Dollar are similar. 7-10 Minutes Per Dollar are similar. There is a drastic difference between 5 Minutes Per Dollar and 20 Minutes Per Dollar. This is mentally doing Logarithms with the data.
Note: Clicking the Column names will sort, and if you click in a specific order, IE: Minutes Per Dollar, then Creative, you can see a comparison of qualities without opening the raw data.
Date | Cost | Minutes Spent | Minutes of Date Per Dollar | Classy | Creative | Public |
Park | $0.30 | 120 | 400.0 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Animal Watching | $0.30 | 45 | 150.0 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Tennis | $1.20 | 120 | 100.0 | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
Hike | $7.50 | 180 | 24.0 | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE |
Cooking Date Night | $10.00 | 180 | 18.0 | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE |
Party | $18.00 | 300 | 16.7 | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE |
Mall | $10.60 | 140 | 13.2 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Beach | $16.00 | 180 | 11.3 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Fair/Festival | $17.00 | 180 | 10.6 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Long Distance travel with 2 night hotel | $282.50 | 2880 | 10.2 | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE |
Zoo | $36.40 | 300 | 8.2 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Store | $14.90 | 120 | 8.1 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Apple Orchard | $16.50 | 120 | 7.3 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Drive in | $37.00 | 240 | 6.5 | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
Swimming | $21.50 | 120 | 5.6 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
72 Mile Roadtrip | $21.75 | 120 | 5.5 | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE |
Museum | $21.80 | 120 | 5.5 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
DIA | $32.80 | 180 | 5.5 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Netflix’N’Chill | $10.99 | 60 | 5.5 | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
Coffee Date | $11.50 | 60 | 5.2 | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE |
Downtown Free | $13.00 | 60 | 4.6 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Fair/Festival all day(Drink,booth,etc) | $82.00 | 360 | 4.4 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Science Center | $42.80 | 180 | 4.2 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Mini Golf | $14.50 | 60 | 4.1 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Picnic with drinks | $15.30 | 60 | 3.9 | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE |
Fair/Festival with 2 drinks each | $53.00 | 180 | 3.4 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Local Concert | $55.40 | 180 | 3.2 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Wine Tasting | $14.60 | 45 | 3.1 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Movie at Emagine with 2 Beers | $47.50 | 140 | 2.9 | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE |
Normal movie at Emagine | $44.50 | 130 | 2.9 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Low Cost Movie | $45.00 | 130 | 2.9 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Thrift store | $21.20 | 60 | 2.8 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Downtown Bar | $46.00 | 120 | 2.6 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Ice cream/ frozen yogurt | $12.00 | 30 | 2.5 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Ski | $169.50 | 360 | 2.1 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Bar | $28.30 | 60 | 2.1 | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE |
Bowling | $22.20 | 45 | 2.0 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Flea Market | $31.40 | 60 | 1.9 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Gym | $50.30 | 90 | 1.8 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Aquarium | $51.00 | 80 | 1.6 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Pro Sporting event with pregame | $201.00 | 300 | 1.5 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Pro Sporting event | $161.00 | 240 | 1.5 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
International Concert | $286.00 | 360 | 1.3 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Dinner at Chilis | $47.70 | 60 | 1.3 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Dinner at Red Lobster | $55.20 | 60 | 1.1 | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE |
International Concert with drinks | $338.00 | 360 | 1.1 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Fast food | $15.30 | 15 | 1.0 | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE |
Laser tag | $32.00 | 30 | 0.9 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Cooking Class | $171.20 | 140 | 0.8 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Dinner at Capital Grille | $94.50 | 60 | 0.6 | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE |
Dinner at Melting Pot | $121.14 | 60 | 0.5 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
Psychic | $153.00 | 70 | 0.5 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE |
Parks, beaches, trails, and outdoor activities are the lowest cost Dates. The cost comes from gas money, parking, and cost for entry. These are top results because they are low cost and have the potential to provide hours of entertainment.
On a similar note, public locations like the Mall and Local Festivals can also be a good value, as long as your spending doesn’t get out of control. These have the benefit of being potentially multi hour activities despite being more expensive than free locations.
Comparing these low cost options, to getting Ice Cream or Coffee, these have similar costs as a low cost trip to the mall, but last under an hour. This is the benefit of comparing items Minutes Per Dollar rather than cost alone.
More expensive activities include visiting Museums and Art Institutes, but are a better value than visiting a restaurant.
Looking at the best values and including non traditional dates(Creative) and non embarrassing dates(Classy) give some fantastic recommendations-
It may be helpful to know your Partner, and how to make these experiences memorable.
Public dates are something that is either desired or can put a dampen on your romance. A first blind date likely will be at a public location, while by the end of the night, you may want to be alone.
Most dates are in public locations where people do business, making low cost first dates plentiful in options.
Finding privacy can be more difficult. Dates that involve traveling give you the option to find uninhabited areas.
It seems the ‘wholesome’ date ideas like Hiking and Visiting Museums are a better value than ones that involve quick indulging like eating/drinking.
These are perceived Creative and Classy, give you plenty of time to spend together, and are affordable on seemingly every budget.
If you are struggling to get a first date, check out low effort ways to improve your appearance.