
Watch A 3 Hour Movie In 2 Hours + You Get More Time


More jokes, more laughs, more drama, more suspense – same time.


Like an assembly line, if we increase the speed of the line, we will see more completed.

Same jokes, same plot, and at 10% faster – you wont notice a difference.

The Math:

Speed up your media player by using a playback of 1.1x speed or higher.

60 minute TV show

Speed up 1.1x

60 minutes/1.1 = ~54 Minutes.

6 Minutes saved, every time you watch.

1.3x speed is my standard, but I’ve watched really long movies at 1.5x speed. Didn’t have to stop to hit the bathroom. Watched the whole way through -no intermission. Wouldn’t that be nice?

I suggest using 1.1x speed for a while, taste how great 6 minutes a day – at no loss to you is. Wouldn’t it be great to sleep in another 6 minutes? Or have extra time to get ready in the morning?

How To Save Time:



Youtube is great for this, given the variety of content. Documentaries, cartoons, people jumping from high places.


1. Click Settings

2. Click SpeedYoutube2.1

3. Select A Speed

4. Save Time



VLC media player:

VLC is my go to for watching movies I have on my computer. DVDs or Files, VLC makes saving time easy.

1. Right click

2. Playback

3. Speed

4. Faster(fine)



Netflix takes an extra step, but the time savings will be well worth it.


1.) Chrome: Download a plugin that can control the speed. I used Video Speed Controller:



2.) Restart Chrome

3.) Start Netflix, Pick a show and hit play.



5.)Use the box in the top left or Simply Tap D and save time – right awaynetflix 6

Thanks Haley for this request, you will be saving other people literally thousands of hours of time.

If you have a media format you would like to be Efficientemail me

Efficiency Challenge: Try it – Get More Time Immediately:

Even if it takes you 20 minutes to figure it out how to get your playback faster – you will recoup 24 minutes that within watching four, 1 hour TV shows.

It wont take you 20 minutes 🙂

Protip: Closed Caption is amazing, and will allow you to conquer great speeds.

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