
11-21-18 Chemical Engineering Hair Quality, Economy, and Downtime

Lead Engineer- Michael Kirk:

If you have not seen, the results of our detailed health insurance study, it will save you thousands of dollars a year.

This week we look at engineering Quality of life.

And bonus, my personally intense week, is the next economic collapse starting?

Chemical Engineering Hair

Understanding the goal of shampoo, conditioner, and hair products will give you the tools to clean and control your hair.

Chemical Engineering Your Hair – Click Here

Before you skip this one, Dr. Mandy Kirk says its one of my best articles.

Economy and stuff

So- Maybe its the libertarian in me,

GM is starting to buy out old workers, FAANG and general recent stock has been awful, and I think there will soon be a chain reaction debt crisis somewhere in the world. Last reminder to buy Bitcoin before you see the words ‘Quantitative Easing’.

We personally are on cost freeze.

These moments are good and sobering, you take extra effort to watch expenses.

Next week we will have Jobs $/hr, Rational Decision making. Because ‘great health and dental’ should be quantified.

Earlier this week Efficiency Is Everything was down intermittently after going viral, having 178 people on at once took the website down. Thank you for sharing, I will fix the bugs.

Shoutout to Millionaire Mob who utilizes his food with Efficiency Is Everything, and as a bonus, I loved seeing his conclusions echoed what we collected in our Health Insurance study.

I wish you the best in finding ways to be Efficient. I’ve been enjoying my morning routine pay dividends in my own life, I hope it can in yours.
Michael Kirk